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Buffer Strip 20kg
The BGM1 produces attractive field margins offering permanent wildlife ‘corridors’ and a physical barrier to weeds.
Excellent drought tolerance.
Ideal for nesting areas for pheasant and partridge
A blend containing a high proportion of taller, tussocky grasses designed to create an environment attracting and protecting a wide range of insects, birds and mammals.
Contains the following ingredients;
20% Hard Fescue.
20% Creeping Red Fescue.
20% Cocksfoot.
20% Timothy.
20% Tall Fescue.
The BGM2 is lower growing grass species combined to produce a dense, easily managed turf, which when grown alongside the BGM1, will attract a wider range of wildlife, provide an easier run for larger mammals and produce a barrier reducing the risk of weed infestation to any adjacent crop.
More functional than BGM1 offering a lower growing option.
Good ground cover potential for weed suppression.
Contains the following ingredients;
20% Hard Fescue.
20% Creeping Red Fescue.
20% Chewings Fescue.
20% Timothy.
20% Tall Fescue.
The BGM3 is an improved version of the BGM1 mix.
The inclusion of legumes not only improves the drought tolerance of the sward but also attracts more insects and adds a splash of colour when flowering.
Contains the following ingredients;
20% Hard Fescue.
20% Creeping Red Fescue.
20% Timothy.
15% Cocksfoot.
15% Tall Fescue.
5% Birdsfoot Trefoil.
5% Small White Clover.
Sow at 20kg/ha.
Our ref: bgm*enquire about this item£100.20